DWS Associates

Sales Executive - Lead Flow Planning Calculator    
Use this tool to calculate the number of leads that you need to have in the pipeline for each sales executive (rep) at the beginning of a sales cycle in order to achieve the desired gross revenue for the specified period based on the number of account executives and the average transaction value. 

In the left hand column, enter the projected total revenue for the period, the number of sales executives (reps), the revenue quota per rep, the percentage of sales quota that will be self-generated by each of the reps, and the average transaction value.  In the right hand column, enter the conversion rate percentages for each step in the lead conversion process.  We have defined four stages and you can see detailed definitions for each of these stages on the Sales Funnel / Demand Waterfall page of this site.   If you don’t define your process in this manner, you can enter 100% at any stage that you don’t include to generate the number of total leads needed at the beginning of your sales cycle. 

The percentage of quota self-generated is the percentage of total sales that the rep will generate from leads they are already working in the pipeline or leads that they develop and work on their own.  This calculator tells you how many leads you have to generate through other marketing efforts that the rep will need in addition to the ones they are already working to make their total sales quota. 

Use the "Reset" key to reset all variables back to their initial state.  You may also print a hard copy of your analysis by clicking on the "Print" key.

Note: This calculator only determines the number of leads that need to be in the pipeline at the beginning of the sales cycle.  If you want to calculate the necessary circulation for marketing campaigns to generate these inquiries/leads, you can use our Campaign Inquiry Response Calculator.
Projected Revenue for Period     Conversion Rates:  
# of reps     Enter the percentage conversion rate for each stage.  
Revenue quota per rep
Inquiries to Leads
Leads to Opportunities
% of quota self-generated
Opportunities to Qualified Opportunities
Qualified Opportunities to Closes
Quota requiring lead generation support
Revenue per transaction
# of closes
# of qualified opportunities
# of opportunities
# of sales qualified leads that the rep will require at the beginning of the period to hit their sales quota target.
# of leads
# of marketing qualified leads
Total # of Inquiries needed at beginning of sales cycle     # of Inquiries needed at the beginning of the lead generation - nurturing - sales cycle  
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