Quiz 10 - Competitive Intelligence  
  Take the competitive intelligence proficiency quiz to see how well your organization is doing in developing and executing its competitive intelligence plans, programs and activities. 
  Select your level of agreement with the statements below made regarding marketing processes and practices in your organization.  If the statement does not apply to your industry or business model, select "0" which is the default value from the drop down list, so that it is not counted in your overall score.  There is a reset button at the bottom of the quiz.   It will clear all of your answers.  You can also print a copy of this quiz by clicking the print button at the bottom of the quiz.
  Scoring System            
  Answer --------------- Points  
  Not Applicable (NA) ----------  0       
  Strongly Disagree ----------  1       
  Disagree ----------  2       
  Somewhat Agree ----------  3       
  Agree ----------  4       
  Strongly Agree ----------  5       
1) We have a competitive intelligence system.
2) We maintain a database of competitive data on our key competitors.
3) We conduct regular competitive analysis of our key competitors.
4) We evaluate and track competitors' quality and product performance.
5) We evaluate and track competitors' reputation and image.
6) We evaluate and track competitors' manufacturing capabilities.
7) We evaluate and track competitors' technological skills.
8) We evaluate and track competitors' marketing strategies, plans and activities.
9) We evaluate and track competitors' merchandising and buying practices.
10) We evaluate and track competitors' financial performance.
11) We evaluate and track competitors' distribution practices and wholesaler/dealer networks.
12) We evaluate and track competitors' customer service.
13) We track and maintain competitors' marketing calendars.
14) We evaluate and track competitors' manufacturing costs.
15) The information in our competitive intelligence database is communicated to our product marketing team.
16) The information in our competitive intelligence database is communicated to our sales team.
17) The information in our competitive intelligence system can be accessed from any web browser.
18) The information in our competitive intelligence system can be accessed from mobile devices.
19) We evaluate and track our competitors' strategic directions.
20) We evaluate and track our competitors' overall go-to-market strategies.
21) We evaluate and track our competitors' core competencies.
22) We evaluate and track competitors' anticipated directions and initiatives.
23) We track our competitors' solution, product, offering strategies.
24) We track our competitors' terms (pricing, warranties, etc..) strategies.
25) We track our competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
26) We assess and maintain information on our strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis our competitors.
27) We track our competitors' industry and public announcements and announcement cycles.
28) We keep track of our competitors' recent successes and failures.
29) We keep track of our competitors' recent sales wins and losses.
30) We develop and maintain a list of key sell against strategies for each competitor in our competitive intelligence system.
31) We develop and maintain a list of key differentiation points for each competitor in our competitive intelligence system.
32) Our sales organization has access to our competitive intelligence system and can update competitor information.
33) We maintain information on competitors' joint ventures and  strategic alliances in our competitive intelligence system.
34) We maintain information on our competitors' major business partner relationships.
35) We maintain information on environmental trends such as industry trends, legal and regulatory trends, international trends, technology developments, political developments and economic conditions in our competitive intelligence system.
36) We identify and track our competitors' target markets and sub segments.
37) Our sales team uses the information in our competitive intelligence system with prospects to engage in competitive sales.  
38) Our sales team has access to information in our competitive intelligence system  to effectively answer the question, "Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?"
39) Our sales team uses our competitive intelligence system to develop and use competitive selling techniques.
40) Our competitive intelligence system provides employees with sufficient information so they can become informal promoters of why our products or services are better than our competitors.
41) We evaluate and track our competitors' advertising and promotional activities and programs.
42) We use the information we collect in our competitive intelligence system to modify our MarCom strategies, activities and messages.
43) We evaluate and track our competitors' public relations (corporate communications) strategies and activities.
44) Our competitive intelligence system provides our sales team with the information to know when not to waste time and money going after business that they aren't likely to win.
45) We keep track of our competitors' new product and service introductions.
46) We keep track of our competitors' key suppliers products, services and support.
47) We keep track of suppliers working with competitors and under what arrangements and use this information to strengthen our negotiating position and overall strategic management of key supplier relationships.
48) The data we maintain on our competitors product development and marketing is updated on a real-time basis as the data becomes available.
49) The data in our competitive intelligence system can be accessed by company personnel from any system with a web browser.
50) We maintain a database of sample of competitors' marketing collateral and materials.
51) The database of competitors' marketing collateral and materials that we maintain is updated monthly.
52) We maintain decoys on competitors' mailing list so we receive real-time versions of all marketing materials including email messages.
53) We "secret shop" our competitors on a regular basis.
54) We allocate budget dollars for the purchasing of samples of competitors' products (services).
55) We subscribe to services such as Hoovers (D&B) that provide us with financial and other data on our competitors.
56) The data we maintain on our competitors product development and marketing is updated on a real-time basis as the data becomes available.
  Total Points Scored
  Total Possible Points
  Percentage Score
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